Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Membagi Tampilan Posting Berdasarkan Kategori pada Halaman Utama Blogspot

Salah satu karakteristik sebuah blog adalah cara menampilkan posting. Contohnya saja Blogspot, setiap posting baru yang kita tulis akan ditampilkan secara berurutan berdasarkan tanggal pembuatan posting. Posting yang baru akan muncul paling atas. Alhasil, semua posting dari semua kategori atau label akan bercampur pada halaman utama website.

Bagaimana caranya agar posting-posting tersebut

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

Cara Memasang Musik Pada Blog

Ngeblog sambil dengerin musik memang mengasikkan. Oleh karena itu, musik bisa juga dijadikan alat untuk menarik minat pengunjung berlama-lama nongkrong diblog kita. Kali ini saya akan memberikan tutorial website mengenai cara memasang musik pada blog kita. Sehingga blog kita terlihat lebih mewah dan lebih keren. Caranya? Ikuti saja langkah berikut:Buka situs Tujuannya

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

Get The Best Webhosting Provider For Your Site

When we want to have a hosting provider, there are many important things for our consideration. This often makes the website owner became dizzy. However, with the help of webhostingrating, we can get guide in choosing the best web hosting server. Webhostingrating is a site that provides information about web hosting providers that provide hosting and domain. It makes a lot of reviews and ratings

Get The Right Webhostings Review In The World

Looking for web hosting providers in accordance with the needs of our website basically does not require much time. Especially if done in a way unusual. If using the usual way, the possibility of getting the best web hosting provider is very small. Extraordinary way is utilizing the information provided by webhostinggeeks. Why choose it? I can confirm that there are so many web hosting providers

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010

Build Communication With Your Customers Using Live Chat!

Ihate the businessmen who were not serious. Especially if they never build good communication with consumers. Supposedly, the communication with consumers should continue to be done. This condition can be beneficial to both parties. In fact, I think, it would be more profitable the business. If customers can easily communicate with businessmen, they'll feel safe buying products or services from

Senin, 19 April 2010

Membuat Album Foto pada Wordpress CMS dengan Plugin NextGEN Gallery

Wordpress CMS memang bukan blog biasa. Menurut saya dia sudah mulai bisa mengejar kompleksitas website dinamis yang standart (website yang bukan hanya sekedar sebuah blog). Bahkan, tidak terlalu kalah jauh dengan CMS lain yang saat ini sangat terkenal (Joomla, Drupal, dll). Sistem yang ada pada Wordpress CMS bukan hanya sekedar untuk menulis posting, tapi lebih dari itu.

Keunggulan yang tidak

Thinking More About My Web Hosting Provider

Ihave to start thinking about a new web hosting for my blog. My web hosting service is ending soon. In fact, my domain already approaching the period expired. There is one thing which I think is very important to be repaired. That is the loading of my blogs. Actually, my files size blog had been optimized. But almost everyone says that if my blog very difficult to open. Apparently, the problem

Jumat, 09 April 2010

Telemarketing Your Marketing Solution Today

To survive in business world today, you have to make sure that your marketing strategy is unique enough. The fact is there are a lot of well established businesses that you should accept their bankrupt just because they don’t have a unique marketing strategy that is not only applicable to the situation today but also suits best to their business needs.

Internet marketing is one of the solutions

Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Cara Membuat Template Blogger Hasil Buatan Sendiri

Punya blog dengan template yang menarik pasti idaman banyak orang. Apalagi kalau buatan sendiri, pasti ada rasa puas yang muncul. Selama ini, tidak semua orang bisa merancang template blog karena kurang paham dengan PHP atau XML. Ahirnya mendownload template gratis atau bayar dari internet menjadi pilihan. Konsekuensianya, kita "terpaksa" menyertakan link si desainer template pada blog kita dan

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Choosing the Best Web Site Hosting Provider

Confused in choosing web site hosting for your website? Many people will experience the same thing. So many web site hosting are available on the internet. They competed to offer the best service to prospective customers. As a buyer, we must be critical in finding and choosing the best web site hosting for us. There are many of the criteria we should consider in choosing a web site hosting

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Cara Membuat Site Map Pada Wordpress CMS

Pernah gak rekan-rekan pengunjung blog Tutorial Website ini kebingungan dalam menjelajah sebuah website? Bukan hanya kesasar ketika menjelajah tempat yang belum pernah kita kunjungi, di dalam sebuah website pun kita bisa kesasar. Hal ini biasanya kita alami ketika mengunjungi website baru yang isinya cukup padat. Padat dalam artian punya banyak konten dan mempunyai kedalaman isi yang cukup tinggi

Hiring Dedicated Server Hosting

Hosting your website on shared server will only ruin your reputation. It doesn’t show your dignity as big businessmen. If you want to show your dignity and get people attention, you can directly host your website on a private server. A private server will enhance your reputation and also increase your popularity because private server is like your own server.

When you are hiring a private server

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Finding Virtual Private Server

Shared hosting will only ruin your company reputation. If your company makes a website and the hosting is mixed with other website, it means that you are killing your own company. people will think that your company is not too good and at the end your customers cancel their order. To make your company has enough reputation on the internet you need to buy better hosting server service from a third

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Google Buzz : Aplikasi Jejaring Sosial dari Google

Bertambah lagi nih aplikasi dari Google khususnya untuk jejaring sosial. Setelah sekian lama membuat Google Friend Connect, Google kembali membuat Buzz Google. Buzz Google merupakan sebuah aplikasi untuk berbagi status dengan para follower kita yang tergabung dalam jejaring sosial yang bersama-sama kita buat melalui Buzz Google ini. Aplikasi ini sebenarnya mirip dengan Twitter. Buzz Google

Menikmati Piala Dunia 2010 Sambil Mencari Keberuntungan

Maaf ya pembaca kalau beberapa postingan terakhir agak lari dari tema tutorial website. He3x. Saya memang sedikit mengurangi posting mengenai tutorial website karena saya sedang fokus pada tugas akhir di kampus. Jadi, saya tidak butuh waktu lebih banyak untuk menelurkan sebuah tutorial website baru. Saya takut kalau terlalu saya paksa untuk lebih cepat, tutorial website yang saya beri justru

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Email Marketing Solution for Your Business

Marketing strategies been highly developed as now businesses may even do a great marketing campaign through the email. This email marketing delivering so many advantages though, it’s not only enables businesses to promote their products or services right into the customer’s desk, but also at the same time offering much more reasonable cost. Even in many cases you can save about 75% of the total

Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

Online Algebra Help

It should be recorded on the history that mathematics is the most difficult subject ever. I believe that most of you hate math ever since you were school. Up until now even for people who have graduated from their school, math is still the scariest subject on earth. Although math looks very simple since it only involves four different procedures of adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing,

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Cara Membuat Halaman Statis (Static Page) pada Blogspot

Bertambah lagi fitur menarik dari Blogspot. Para blogger yang blognya bernaung di Blogspot kini sudah bisa membuat halaman statis (static page) pada Blogspot. Jika dulu saya pernah mengatakan bahwa pada Blogspot belum bisa dibuat halaman khusus yang terpisah, tetapi hanya halaman-halaman posting yang berurutan, namun sekarang kemampuan itu telah dibuat oleh Blogspot. Halaman khusus yang terpisah

Selasa, 09 Februari 2010

The Online Shopping For Everything

Looking for the best place to shop for your room and houses is not an easy thing to do. Most people need the things that will fit their desire. Another thing you have to consider is whether the equipments will fit your money and the quality that you want. To do the shopping, you have to schedule it so that it will not affect your daily activities. Now, you can shop online.
You can look for the

Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Update Link Google Pages Untuk Mencegah Miss Link

Sudah tahu kan berita tentang rencana migrasi Google Pages Creator ke Google Sites?Google Pages Creator sendiri merupakan sebuah layanan gratis dari Google dimana kita bisa membuat website di dalamnya. Alamatnya adalah : "". Namanya saja sudah "pages creator", yang maksudnya adalah pembuatan halaman website. Kita diberi sebuah "File Manager" sehingga bisa menyimpan

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Sexy Lingerie Shop

Women and fashion are something that very closely related. Many fashion products are made for women. As we can see in many fashion shows TV program, most of the clothes made are for women. But actually items of fashion are not always dresses or skirts and blouses. Even things like glasses, bags, shoes are often be made by many famous fashion designer. Even some underwear or lingerie is also made

Selasa, 19 Januari 2010

Buy Your Office Gadget

To make your company grows higher and more successful; you need to enhance the production and human resource work capability. It will give positive effects to your production and marketing. In the end, you will get multiples benefits and money. To make your dreams come true, you have to equip your office with sophisticated technology. It will help your employee finish their work faster and

Senin, 18 Januari 2010

Save Bucket Your Valentine’s Day Idea

Valentine’s Day is about to come, surely you don’t want to miss this special day without presenting special gift for a special person. Well, you must know that finding one special gift is not an easy task to do that is why nothing that is wrong to start looking for that gift since now. The first thing that you should remember when giving a gift is the gift is not only beautiful but also useful

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Mendapatkan Banyak Pengunjung Blog Menggunakan All in One SEO Pack

SEO merupakan salah satu cara untuk mendatangkan banyak pengunjung website kita melalui search engine seperti Google dan Yahoo. Salah satu teknik SEO adalah memanfaatkan All in One SEO Pack. All in One Pack ini merupakan sebuah plugin yang memang dikhususkan untuk Wordpress CMS. Tentu tidak bisa dimanfaatkan untuk website atau blog yang tidak menggunakan platform Wordpress CMS. Cara menggunakan

Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Cara Mendaftarkan Website atau Blog ke Google dan Yahoo

i postingan yang sebelumnya kita telah membahas cara Membuat Meta Tag Sebagai Keyword Utama Website yang tidak lain adalah untuk mempermudah website kita ter-index oleh Google, Yahoo, dan mesin pencari lainnya sehingga bisa muncul pada halaman yang lebih awal pada mesin pencari (search engine) tersebut. Selanjutnya, kita mendaftarkan website kita pada mesin pencari tersebut agar bisa lebih

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Membuat Meta Tag Sebagai Keyword Utama Website

Ketika seseorang mencari konten di internet melalui mesin pencari seperti Google misalnya, maka sistem Google akan mencari website yang cocok dengan kata kunci yang diketikkan oleh orang tersebut kemudian menampilkan website-website tersebut pada halaman hasil pencarian atau yang biasa disebut SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Bagaimana cara mesin pencari seperti Google memilih website yang

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010

Best Business Web Directory

Do you want to expand your business into the next level business? If you do, you need best business partner that can give you many advantages for your business. Before you decide who will be you business partner, you can find out about the company that you want to ask for a partnership. The best way to get the information that you need is the internet. But, use the general search engine for

Rabu, 06 Januari 2010

November, Best Start for Your Gardening Hobby

November is comes, and for you who have gardening hobby, this is the month when you need to give more attention to your beloved garden. And the November also the month when you can start to get lots of things from your garden in the end.

It’s the perfect time to grow fruit brushes and trees. This is also the best month to grow vegetables. With all of those plants on your garden, you will have a

Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

Apa itu SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?

nda pasti sudah sering kan mendengar tentang SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Sebagian mungkin mengerti maknanya dan merasa penting, sebagian lagi mengerti tapi tak peduli, dan mungkin saja ada yang tidak tahu namun tak mau tahu.Karena beberapa tutorial website yang akan saya bagikan ke depan ini sedikit banyak bersinggungan dengan yang namanya SEO, mau gak mau mesti kita bahas secara sepintas

Eco-Friendly Products at Home

lobal warming brings bad effects towards our world. People start to worry about their world lives. To keep and fix all the natural damaged, people conducts some movement and action to heal thus earth.
One of the actions is promoting environmental friendly products for daily usage. By doing this we can save more energy, reduce the number of un-recycled waste, and save natural resources.


Senin, 04 Januari 2010

Get Your Ticket in Online

There are many ways to spend your leisure times and get refreshing. One of them is going to hang out and watch fabulous show with your couples or family. To watch live performance, we need to buy ticket first.
You will get small khans to have good seat if you buy ticket at the venue on the performance day. It is better to reserve it from previous days before.
If you do not want to stand for long