Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Choosing the Best Web Site Hosting Provider

Confused in choosing web site hosting for your website? Many people will experience the same thing. So many web site hosting are available on the internet. They competed to offer the best service to prospective customers. As a buyer, we must be critical in finding and choosing the best web site hosting for us. There are many of the criteria we should consider in choosing a web site hosting

Kamis, 18 Maret 2010

Cara Membuat Site Map Pada Wordpress CMS

Pernah gak rekan-rekan pengunjung blog Tutorial Website ini kebingungan dalam menjelajah sebuah website? Bukan hanya kesasar ketika menjelajah tempat yang belum pernah kita kunjungi, di dalam sebuah website pun kita bisa kesasar. Hal ini biasanya kita alami ketika mengunjungi website baru yang isinya cukup padat. Padat dalam artian punya banyak konten dan mempunyai kedalaman isi yang cukup tinggi

Hiring Dedicated Server Hosting

Hosting your website on shared server will only ruin your reputation. It doesn’t show your dignity as big businessmen. If you want to show your dignity and get people attention, you can directly host your website on a private server. A private server will enhance your reputation and also increase your popularity because private server is like your own server.

When you are hiring a private server

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Finding Virtual Private Server

Shared hosting will only ruin your company reputation. If your company makes a website and the hosting is mixed with other website, it means that you are killing your own company. people will think that your company is not too good and at the end your customers cancel their order. To make your company has enough reputation on the internet you need to buy better hosting server service from a third